Strategic mobility vehicles for RFMF

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US Embassy chargé d’affaires Tony Greubel (fourth from the left) and RFMF Deputy Commander Commodore Humphrey Tawake to his left during the handing over ceremony of three strategic mobility vehicles. Picture: RFMF

US Embassy chargé d’affaires Tony Greubel hopes that good and sound leadership will prevail in the Ukraine crisis following the invasion of Russia a few weeks ago.

He highlighted this issue during the handing over ceremony of three strategic mobility vehicles from the US Government to the Republic of Fiji Military Forces.

In a statement, Mr Greubel said they were honoured to assist in providing world class military equipment at Blackrock Camp in Nadi to enhance Fiji’s peacekeeping capabilities.

He said the historic visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Fiji a few weeks ago would open more doors of opportunities for Fiji, taking bilateral relations to new heights.

He also expressed remorse for innocent women and children in Ukraine who have fallen victims to Russian invasion.

“Today, our hearts go out to the women and children and Ukrainians that have been affected by Russian invasions,” Mr Greubel said. I hope good and sound leadership will prevail.”

RFMF Deputy Commander Commodore Humphrey Tawake expressed gratitude to the US Government for the assistance.

“Today marks another milestone in the Fiji-US relationship and I thank the US for this initiative in supporting RFMF’s peacekeeping efforts,” he said.

“These strategic mobility vehicles will provide logistical and rapid response capability in UN missions,” he said. The handing over ceremony was held at the RFMF Blackrock Camp in Nadi.

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