51 beggars assisted

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Two beggars sitting along Victoria Parade in Suva. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU/FILE

The Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation assisted 51 beggars during 2018-2019.

Acting director Social Welfare, Dilitiana Baleinabuli told the Standing Committee on Social Affairs in October last year when its 2018-2019 annual report was being reviewed.

“The Loloma Project is a mechanism made up of a taskforce with members inclusive of the Fiji Police Force, the Department of Social Welfare, St Giles, faith-based organisations, NGOs and members of the public who may wish to consider to volunteer their services in this project,” she said.

“The project since implementation has been our collaboration with faith-based organisations solidified with the establishment of shelters that provide short term accommodation to the homeless.”

She said these shelters were the Hanisi Ministry Shelter along Stewart St and the St Vincent de Paul Shelter along Brown St. “Our operations have seen us assist a total of 51 cases of beggars, psychosocial cases and children on the streets.

“Our assistance includes social protection programs, reintegration back into homes and communities, counselling, shopping as per the food vouchers by Extra Supermarket and placement into institutional care homes.

“The Loloma Project is still active and operational to-date and, of course, there are helpline mechanisms, such as the Helpline for Children and Domestic Violence Helpline which is also used as a responsive measure as and when required.”

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